Join Us Online On: 4th October at 630pm

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How To Find Profitable Property Deals in Todays Market. And Why Now There Is An Incredible Opportunity To Profit!

In This Free And Exclusive Profitable Property Deals Virtual Summit, I’ll Reveal Exactly How To Find The Most Profitable Deals, Whats Working Right Now and Why You Need to Act NOW! 


How To Find Profitable Property Deals, Whats Working Right Now and Why You Need to Act NOW 

In this free and exclusive Prepare to Prosper Virtual Summit, I'll walk you through why the opportunity is right NOW to Prepare, and to Prosper. 

I will give you the insights and insider secrets on why there is a massive opportunity right now to potentially replace your income and set yourself up financially for life!

In this free and exclusive Profitable Property Deals Virtual Summit,  I'll walk you through how to find profitable property deals, whats working right now and why the opportunity is right NOW to Prepare, and to Prosper. 

I will give you the insights and insider secrets on how we find deals and why there is a massive opportunity right now to potentially replace your income and set yourself up financially for life!

Heres What I Will Reveal At The Profitable Property Deals Summit:

The biggest danger to watch out for. This is coming and you need to know about it. And no it's not interest rates, or inflation, or any of that. It much more serious that all of that! In fact, I'll sum it up to just one word!

Income Replacement methods and secrets. Potentially replace your job with income from property. I'll show you how myself, and my students are investing right now.

How to gain an unfair advantage to find the best deals. I'll show you how I find deals easier and faster and how you can too.

My proven proprietary property investor success system “The Financial Fortress™” which reveals all the 9 critical components required to become a successful property investor that most “experts” will never ever tell you about

Rents are not going to slow down. But you can't just buy anywhere though - times have changed and you need to understand HOW to identify the right spots. 

What you should never buy unless you want to gamble. Hint: Most Real Estate Agents and / or Buyers Agents who are dressed up as "educators" are pushing these down investors throats and I'll reveal why (they wont like me sharing this!)

Countless examples of everyday Aussies making $50,000, $100,000 or $500,000 each and every single year – you can use these for yourself to dramatically improve your income and fast-track your retirement plans


Profitable Property Deals Virtual Summit

How To Find Profitable Property Deals, Whats Working Right Now and Why You Need to Act NOW 

This Virtual Summit Has The Power To Potentially Transform Your Finances Forever:


Brad Cassidy is a certified high-performance coach, millionaire property investor, speaker, husband and father to twins. Brad started out as an electrician where he saw firsthand how much money was in property. He began buying properties and built a portfolio of 9 properties before the age of 29.

Unfortunately, Brad wasn’t aware of all the pitfalls and mistakes he was making and after 6 years of sacrifice and barely scraping through each week to survive, his portfolio came crashing down leaving him having to force sell most of his properties, frustrated, hospitalised from the stress and pressure with medical issues and left with around $180,000 in debt after selling what he had to.

This was Brad’s turning point. He had always dreamt of becoming financially free and living life on his terms through property investing – but the opposite happened. It was clear he needed a different approach. Brad went on a mission and developed property investment strategies where he could invest with low risk and create a stable, profitable portfolio. He build a portfolio worth approx $5M+ within the next 4.5 years from his lowest point, and retired from his full time job. 

Since then, Brad has substantially grown his portfolio to well over 8 figures and has taught over 12,000+ students all across Australia on how to use his same methods for themselves.




Trained Over



Built 5M+

Property Portfolio

Within 4.5 years From 
$180K Debt Position








Property Portfolio

Within 4.5 years From 
$180K Debt Position


Still Have Questions? Find Your
Answers Below!

Is This The Wrong Time To Be Buying Property?

Now, more than ever, its critical to get educated and informed on making safe and secure financial decisions. We always recommend not rushing to buy just any property (under any economic condition), but rather to become empowered through education to understand all the different ways to invest in property (there are several) and how to assess a safe and purposeful investment for your situation.

What If I Don’t Have The Time To Dedicate To Researching Property Investments Opportunities?

All it takes to get started is a minimum 5 hours / week – the more the better but you can still get started with 5 hours / week. If you genuinely do not have at least 5 hours a week, then this is not for you. I would also suggest that if this is the case, to really have a good hard look at how you can change this, because for things to change, first you must change.

Are You Just Going To Try And Sell Me A Property Like What Other Companies Do?

No. Property Mastery Academy is about sharing with you the knowledge, skills, tools and education so that you have the ability to easily assess and profit from properties yourself. We teach you how to fish so that you are in control and empowered.

The opinions contained in the training can be short-term in nature and are subject to change. Past performance is not indicative of future results. All investments involve substantial monetary risk, including the risk of losing one’s entire investment. None of the information contained within this training constitutes, or is intended to constitute, a recommendation by the presenter that any particular security, investment or strategy is suitable for any specific person. None of the information contained in the training is, or is intended to be, personalised investment advice. Investments or strategies mentioned in the training may not be suitable for all individuals. All attendees should make their own independent decision regarding them. The material contained in the training does not take into account each attendee’s particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs. All attendees should strongly consider seeking advice from their own personal investment adviser based on their specific circumstances. PLEASE NOTE: Property investing is a dynamic vehicle. Cashflow and equity positions can change daily. This is an educational event only and the intention is to educate you so that you don't make the same costly mistakes I did when I first started and avoid the pitfalls that uneducated investors can make. At the end of the event, if you feel that I can add value to your property journey I will offer some of my educational services to assist you. The decision is completely yours whether you want to grow your property  with my optional services. Any results or case studies I share are not typical and are exceptional results. These results are also at a point in time and have not been audited by The Kaizen Way. They have been achieved by people who invested time, energy, money and effort to get educated about what it takes to create their success.